

This is the website of Carolin and Joachim T. Haug. We both hold the title Dr. rer. nat. (equivalent to PhD in biology) and want to present parts of our research here. This is intended for specialists from a related field as well as for interested non-specialists.


'Palaeo-Evo-Devo' or in long 'evolutionary developmental palaeobiology' describes the study of fossil organisms with a focus on their development for drawing conclusions about the evolution of the group of the investigated organism.


The group we are mainly studying is Arthropoda sensu stricto or sclerotised arthropods. This includes well-known modern groups such as Chelicerata (spiders, scorpions and their relatives), Hexapoda (insects and their close relatives), Myriapoda (millipedes, centipedes and relatives) as well as crustaceans (crabs, shrimps, crayfish and many more). Furthermore, many exclusively fossil groups are part of Arthropoda sensu stricto. The most famous group is probably Trilobita.


For investigating the ontogeny (the development of an organism from the fertilised egg to the adult) or also only parts of the ontogeny of a fossil species, the fossil must be preserved in exceptional detail.


We, therefore, concentrate our research on fossil preservation types that yield such exceptionally preserved arthropod fossils and additionally preserve sub-adult developmental stages of such species.


Main research topics

Larval diversity

Body orga- nisation

Raptorial apparatus


Improving concepts

Imaging methods