Current news


25 December 2024:


As the year is about to end, we want to share what has happened in our network this year:


Two PhD students successfully defended their PhD theses: Christine Kiesmüller in Greifswald and Florian Braig in Munich (the latter with highest honours). Congratulations! Christine received a DAAD grant with which she went to the University of Warsaw (Poland), and Florian relocated to Oulu (Finland) to join his wife Jelena. We wish both of you all the best for your future career!


A new postdoc joined our network: Thomas Laville is in Munich for two years with a fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH); in fact he is not new to the network as he has already been here in 2019. Yanzhe Fu got an extension of his AvH fellowship by another six months. Our postdocs Sofía Arce and Ana Zippel successfully applied for support via the Postdoc Support Fund of the LMU, and Ana additionally received a Bavarian Gender Equality scholarship of the LMU for one year. Congrats to all of you!


Our Master student Laura Buchner received a research award for excellent students of the LMU. Great to see that her hard work was recognised!


Also in the past year we were able to welcome several research guests: Derek Briggs from Yale University visited us again. Alexis Gerbe from the University of Lyon did a research internship and will come back next year to start a PhD in Munich. Additionally, we had two students via the DAAD RISE programme: Alexandra Kwiatkowski from Pennsylvania State University (supervised by Florian) and Soma Elefánti from the University of Florida (supervised by Ana).


Carolin received funding from LMUexcellent to prepare a DFG Research Unit proposal.


Joachim's DFG proposal for a new fluorescence microscope was granted as well as a DFG proposal to study Orsten fossils (joint project with Alexander Nützel from Palaeontology & Geobiology at LMU).


Looks like 2025 will be exciting, all the best wishes to all of you!


25 February 2024:


Also in the last year a lot has happened, here are some highlights:


Several new PhD students joined our network: Jéhan Le Cadre, Tiana Renard and Elham Mahdipour in Munich, and Swane Jung in Rostock. Two PhD students successfully defended their theses: Ana Zippel and Serita Van der Wal. Congratulations!


Moreover, new postdocs joined our network: Sofía Arce via Joachim's Lichtenberg professorship and Yanzhe Fu with a fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Ana Zippel is now also a postdoc in our network. All three successfully applied for support via the Postdoc Support Fund of the LMU, Ana is additionally supported by the BioMentoring program of the Faculty of Biology at LMU.


We could welcome Derek Briggs, Yale University, as research guest, also funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He will visit us again this year.


Carolin received her teaching qualification. Since April 2023 she is substitute professor for Systematic Zoology (previously Prof. Haszprunar)


Joachim is tenured professor since April 2023.


06 February 2023:


Since our last news entry, a lot has happened. Here is a short summary of the positive news despite the pandemic years:


Viktor Baranov received the Hintelmann award of the Friends of the Zoological State Collection Munich in 2020. In December 2022, he moved to Sevilla with a Ramon y Cajal Fellowship. Congratulations!


Marie K. Hörnig moved to Rostock in December 2022 to start her own workgroup on functional morphology in the department of medical biology. All the best to her!


Several new PhD students joined our network: Ana Zippel, Florian Braig, André Amaral and Alejandro Caballero in Munich, Christine Kiesmüller and Joshua Gauweiler in Greifswald. Two PhD students defended their theses: "Jamie" Michel Schmidt and Mario Schädel. Congrats!


Carolin submitted her habilitation thesis and had her habilitation colloquium.


Joachim's Lichtenberg professorship was positively evaluated and will be supported for another three years by the Volkswagen Foundation.


Older news can be found here:


News – 2017-19


News – 2016


News – 2015


News – 2014


News – 2013


News – 2011/12